HR 101: Happy New Year!
New for 2019 Wage and leave laws saw changes that begin right away! The so called “Grand Bargain bill” was signed into law and...

Warning signs during hiring
Check out my experiences and advice along with others in this CIO magazine article. https://www.cio.com/article/3315161/hiring-and-staffi...

HR 101: Is taking lunch a bad thing?
Explore the article I contributed to in Fierce CEO regarding employees taking lunch. https://www.fierceceo.com/human-capital/short-sighte...

As seen in FierceCEO
As seen in FierceCEO, is it OK to cry at work? See my advice as published in the following article. Enjoy! https://www.fierceceo.com/huma...

Appreciation and making strong connections to your employees is so important! See my advice (and others) in this just published Fierce...

In the News
Check out my on-boarding new employees advice in this Fierce CEO article. Enjoy! https://www.fierceceo.com/human-capital/mixed-opinions-...

Career Management 101: Did You Know?
New Year, New Job! If you've been thinking of looking for a new job or are actively seeking a new job, now is the time to get going! ...

HR 101: Did You Know?
With bad behavior and sexual harassment being at the forefront of the news, shouldn't you be proactive to protect yourself and business? ...

HR 101: Did you know?
It’s that time of the year…company holiday parties! Now is a time for giving thanks and many organizations show their appreciation to...

HR 101: Did you know?
This ever happen to you? Unmotivated or unproductive staff? Are you establishing the right framework for productivity and excellence? ...